The Rules

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[edit] Game Rules

These are copied directly from the 'Rules' section of the Levi's site as linked from

[edit] The Rules


PLEASE READ these Official Rules carefully. They are available online at

Contest Overview: Levi's® "Go Forth Fortune" Scavenger Hunt Contest (the "Contest") is a nationwide scavenger hunt with both online and off-line components that involves (a) completing scavenger hunt tasks to learn more about the history of Levi Strauss & Co. and the story of Grayson Ozias IV, (b) completing a virtual quiz using the information learned from completing the scaventer hunt tasks that provides an opportunity to be one (1) of one-hundred (100) finalists receiving a finalist prize, and (c) solving a final cipher based on information learned throughout the Contest for the opportunity to be the Grand Prize winner and participate in a real life treasure hunt to discover $100,000 in cash buried somewhere in the United States.

Eligibility: The Contest is open only to legal residents of the fifty (50) United States, including including the District of Columbia, who register for entry (see Section 5 below), and are at least eighteen (18) years old at the time of entry, whether or not they purchase any products from Levi Strauss & Co. No purchase is necessary to enter or win the Contest; a purchase will not improve any entrant's performance in the Contest. Employees of Wieden+Kennedy, Levi Strauss & Co., ePrize, LLC, and any of their parent and affiliate companies as well as the immediate family (spouse, parents, siblings and children) and household members of each such employee are not eligible. The Contest is subject to all applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations. Void where prohibited.

Contest Sponsor: Levi Strauss & Co., 1155 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111. Contest Administrator: ePrize, LLC, One ePrize Drive, Pleasant Ridge, MI 48069.

Agreement to Official Rules: Participation in this Contest constitutes your full and unconditional agreement to these Official Rules and Sponsor's and Administrator's decisions, which are final and binding in all matters related to this Contest. Winning a prize is contingent upon fulfilling each and every requirement set forth herein.

Timing: Sponsor's computer is the official time-keeping device for the Contest. The Contest begins on October 5, 2009 at 12:00 a.m. Eastern Time ("ET"), ends on November 21, 2009 at 11:59 p.m. ET (the "Contest Period") and consists of three (3) Phases as set forth in the chart below and described in Section 5 below.

Phase I - Starts at 12:00 a.m. ET October 5, 2009
Ends at 11:59 p.m. ET November 14, 2009

Phase II - Starts at 12:00 a.m. ET November 15, 2009
Ends at 11:59 p.m. ET November 16, 2009

Phase III - Starts at 12:00 a.m. ET November 17, 2009
Ends at 11:59 p.m. ET November 21, 2009

How to Enter: To participate in the Contest, you must first provide certain personally identifiable information and register during Phase I. To win the Contest, you must complete the steps in Phase II and be ranked as a "Finalist." You will then get an opportunity to advance in Phase III to become the "Grand Prize Winner." Participation in Phase I is not required to advance to Phase II, but participating in Phase I will provide information that while not necessary, could improve your performance in Phase II.

Phases I-III, the Finalists and the Grand Prize Winner
Phase I: Registration and Scavenger Hunt Tasks
Visit (the "Website") and follow the links and instructions to complete the registration. Carefully review the Privacy Policies of the Administrator and Sponsor regarding how information collected for this Contest and will be used and protected (see Section 14 below). Submit the registration, including name, email address, home mailing address (P.O. Boxes not permitted) and the size of jeans you wear.

Once you have completed registration, you will advance to an online scavenger hunt consisting of eleven (11) tasks. Complete each of these tasks to learn more about the Levi's® brand and the story of Grayson Ozias IV. Completing the tasks is not required to participate in Phase II or III of the Contest and will not necessarily improve your performance or ability to win the Grand Prize.

First persons to complete each scavenger hunt task awarded a prize: The first person to accurately complete each scavenger hunt task will receive a prize (each a "Scavanger Hunt Prize"). Sponsor shall award a total of eleven (11) Scavenger Hunt Prizes during Phase I (see Section 8(b) below). Scavenger Hunt Prizes will be awarded within eight (8) to ten (10) weeks after the conclusion of the Contest.

Phase II: Virtual Online Quiz, Entry Into Contest, and Finalists
At a time selected by Sponsor in its sole discretion during Phase II, Sponsor will upload a virtual online quiz to the Website. To access the virtual online quiz, visit and follow the links and instructions to complete your registration, if you have not done so, as described in Section 6(a) above. When you arrive at the virtual online quiz, you will be asked a series of questions. Answer each question to the best of your ability. If you successfully complete (as determined by the Administrator in its sole discretion) all of the questions in the virtual online quiz, you will receive one (1) entry into the Contest. Participation in Phase II is mandatory to have the opportunity to win the Grand Prize.

100 Finalists Identified and Notified by Administrator: During and immediately upon the conclusion of Phase II, Sponsor will score all validly-submitted virtual online quizzes based on the number of correct answers. The first one hundred (100) entrants who submit a virtual online quiz receiving a perfect score (100% correct) will be identified as "Finalists." Each Finalist shall be awarded a "Finalist Prize," as described below in Section 8(a) below. In the event of any dispute regarding the selection of Finalists, the Sponsor's determination in its sole discretion shall control. Sponsor will notify each Finalist of his/her status and the opportunity to advance to Phase III by email or phone on or around November 17, 2009. Finalist Prizes will be awarded within eight (8) to ten (10) weeks after the conclusion of the Contest.

  • Limitation: You may only answer the virtual online quiz set forth in Section 6(b) above one (1) time during Phase II and if answered correctly, you will receive only one (1) entry into the Contest. In the event of a dispute as to the identity of any individual answering the quiz, the authorized account holder, at time of entry, of the email address used to register for the Contest will be deemed to be the entrant and must comply with these Official Rules. The “authorized account holder” is the natural person assigned an email address by an Internet access provider, online service provider or other organization responsible for assigning email addresses for the domain associated with the submitted address. The entrant may be required to show proof of being the authorized account holder. Multiple entrants are not permitted to share the same email address. Any attempt by any person to submit more than the stated number of entries by using multiple/different email addresses, identities or any other method will void that person's entry and he/she will be disqualified from further participation in the Contest. Use of script, macro or any other automated system to enter or complete the quiz is prohibited and all such entries will be void. Released Parties (as defined in Section 10 below) are not responsible for lost, late, incomplete, garbled, delayed, invalid, unintelligible or misdirected entries, quiz or cipher scores, which will be void.

Phase III: The Grand Prize Winner
At a time selected by Sponsor in its sole discretion during Phase III, Sponsor will upload a cipher to the Website. To access the cipher online, visit and follow the links and instructions to the cipher.

You must complete Phase II and be identified by the Administrator as a Finalist to participate in Phase III. You must satisfy each of the following requirements in a timely manner to be deemed the "Grand Prize Winner":

You must follow the online instructions and solve the cipher accurately and completely; and
You must be identified by Sponsor as the first Finalist to solve the cipher accurately and completely; and
You must meet the basic eligibility requirements (see Section 1); and
You must execute and return to Administrator an Affidavit of Eligibility, Liability & Publicity Release ("Affidavit") within twenty four (24) hours of the date and time the notice, or attempted notice, and blank Affidavit is sent to you (see Section 6(c)(iii) below); and
You must be available to travel, starting no later than November 21, 2009 and returning no earlier than November 23, 2009 (see Section 8(a)).
Grand Prize Winner Identified and Notified by Administrator:The Finalist who is the first person to accurately solve the cipher, and who satisifies each of the requirements set forth in Section 6(c)(ii)(1)-(5) above, as determined by Sponsor in its sole discretion, will be deemed the potential Grand Prize Winner and be awarded the "Grand Prize," defined in Section 8(b) below. Administrator will attempt to notify the potential Grand Prize Winner by email and phone on or around November 19, 2009.

  • Limitation: If the Grand Prize Winner does not respond to Administrator within twenty four (24) hours from the time that Administrator notifies or attempts to notify the Grand Prize to Section 6(c)(iii) above, or fails to execute and return the Affidavit within twenty four (24) hours within that same time period, or is not in compliance with these Official Rules, or Administrator's notification is returned as undeliverable, then such Grand Prize Winner forfeits the Grand Prize.

Alternate Grand Prize Winner: If the potential Grand Prize Winner is disqualified for failing to meet any of the requirements in Section 6 above, the Grand Prize may be awarded to a runner-up Finalist (the "Alternate Grand Prize Winner"), if any, at Sponsor's sole discretion . The potential Alternate Grand Prize Winner will be the Finalist who was the next person who completely and accurately solved the cipher and satisfied the requirements for being a Grand Prize Winner (see Section 6 above). The Sponsor will repeat this process up to two (2) additional times, if time permits, after which the Grand Prize will remain un-awarded.

ELEVEN (11) SCAVENGER HUNT PRIZES: A gift determined at Sponsor's sole discretion. The "Approximate Retail Value" of each Scavenger Hunt Prize varies anywhere from approximately $50 to approximately $350.
ONE HUNDRED (100) FINALIST PRIZES: A pair of 501 Levi's® jeans. The Approximate Retail Value of each Finalist Prize varies from approximately $50 to approximately $100. ONE (1) GRAND PRIZE: Travel to a site in the Continental United States and participation in a real life treasure hunt for $100,000.
Travel package includes roundtrip, coach class air transportation for one (1) from a major airport near the Grand Prize Winner's home (selected by Sponsor in its sole discretion) to an airport near the Grand Prize location elected by Sponsor in its sole discretion; two (2) nights accommodation at a hotel of Sponsor's choice (single room, double occupancy); roundtrip travel between airport and hotel and hotel and location of treasure hunt; and the opportunity to participate in the treasure hunt and discover the location where the $100,000 is buried. In the event that the Grand Prize Winner must discovers the location of the $100,000, he/she will receive the $100,000.

Grand Prize Winner must commence travel on November 21, 2009 and conclude travel on November 23, 2009, or prize and opportunity to discover the $100,000 will be forfeited. Travel must be roundtrip. Sponsor will determine airline and flight itinerary in its sole discretion. No refund or compensation will be made in the event of the cancellation or delay of any flight. Travel and accommodations are subject to availability. Travel is subject to the terms and conditions set forth in this Contest, and those set forth by the Sponsor's airline carrier of choice as detailed in the passenger ticket contract. All expenses and incidental travel costs not expressly stated in the package description above, including but not limited to, ground transportation, meals, incidentals, passenger tariffs or duties, airline fees, surcharges, airport fees, service charges or facility charges, personal charges at lodging, security fees, taxes or other expenses are the responsibility solely of winner. Travel restrictions, conditions and limitations may apply.

If in the judgment of Sponsor air travel is not required due to winner's proximity to prize location, ground transportation will be substituted for roundtrip air travel at Sponsor's sole discretion. Sponsor will not replace any lost, mutilated, or stolen tickets, travel vouchers or certificates.

Approximate Retail Value of the Grand Prize: $2,500 (for travel only), $102,500 (for travel and the $100,000 cash, in the event that the Grand Prize Winner locates the cash). Actual Retail Value may vary based on airfare fluctuations and distance between departure and destination. Grand Prize Winner will not receive difference, if any, between the Actual Retail Value and the Approximate Retail Value nor the difference, if any, between the Approximate Retail Value and the Actual Retail Value.

For All Scavenger Hunt Prizes, Finalist Prizes, and Grand Prize: Prizes are non-transferable and no substitution or cash redemption will be permitted unless Sponsor, in its sole discretion, determines otherwise. Sponsor reserves the right to substitute a prize (or portion thereof) with one of comparable or greater value, in its sole discretion, except with respect to the Grand Prize. Winners are solely responsible for all federal, state and local taxes and any other costs, expenses or fees associated with prize acceptance and/or use not specified herein as being provided. All prize details are at Sponsor's sole discretion.

Rights to Likeness: Participation in any Phase (see Section 6, above) of this Contest shall constitute and signify the participants agreement and consent that Sponsor and its designees may use the winner's name, city, state, likeness, photo, video of winner and/or prize information in connection with the Contest for promotional, advertising or other purposes, worldwide, in any and all media now known or hereafter devised, including the Internet, without limitation and without further payment, notification, permission or other consideration, except where prohibited by law.

Release: By participating, entrant agrees to release and hold harmless the Sponsor, Wieden+Kennedy, Administrator and their respective subsidiaries, affiliates, suppliers, distributors, advertising/promotion agencies, and prize suppliers, and each of their respective parent companies and each such company's officers, directors, employees and agents (collectively, the "Released Parties") from and against any claim or cause of action, including, but not limited to, personal injury, death, or damage to or loss of property, arising out of participation in the Contest or receipt or use or misuse of any prize.

General Conditions:
Technical Issues Related on Information Transmission: The time when Sponsor receives an entrant's answers to various tasks and/or clues and/or cipher will be used to determine whether that entrant is a winner for the applicable prize. The time when a participant sends his/her answer shall not control. Administrator and Sponsor shall not be liable for any technical problems, malfunctions of computer systems, servers, providers, hardware/software, lost or unavailable network connections or failed, incomplete, intercepted, garbled or delayed computer transmission or any combination thereof that results in any delay or failure in the transmission to (and/or receipt by) the Administrator of any submission. Termination of Contest: Sponsor reserves the right to cancel, suspend, modify and/or terminate the Contest, or any part of it, if any fraud, technical failure or any other factor impairs the integrity or proper functioning of the Contest, as determined by Sponsor in its sole discretion. If terminated, Sponsor may, in its sole discretion, determine the Finalists and/or Grand Prize Winner from among all registrants up to the time of such action based on the individuals identified

Disqualification and Potential Liability of Individuals: Sponsor, in its sole discretion, reserves the right to disqualify any individual it finds to be tampering with any aspect of the Contest or the operation of the Contest or to be acting in violation of these Official Rules or in an unsportsmanlike or disruptive manner, as determined by Sponsor in its sole discretion. Any attempt by any person to deliberately undermine the legitimate operation of the Contest may be a violation of law, and, should such an attempt be made, Sponsor reserves the right to seek damages and other remedies (including attorneys' fees) from any such person to the fullest extent permitted by law. Sponsor's failure to enforce any term of these Official Rules shall not constitute a waiver of that provision.

Limitations of Liability: Released Parties are not responsible for: (1) any incorrect or inaccurate information, whether caused by Released Parties, printing, typographical or other errors or by any of the equipment or programming associated with or utilized in the Contest; (2) technical failures of any kind, including, but not limited to malfunctions, interruptions, or disconnections in phone lines or network hardware or software; (3) unauthorized human intervention in any part of the quiz taking, uploading or scoring process or the Contest; (4) printing, typographical, technical, computer, network or human error which may occur in the administration of the Contest, the processing of scores, the announcement of the prizes or in any Contest-related materials; (5) late, lost, undeliverable, damaged or stolen mail; or (6) any injury or damage to persons (including death) or property, including any indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, punitive, or consequential damages of any nature arising out of any claim based on contract or tort, including negligence, or any other legal theory, even if the Released Parties have been advised of the possibility of such damages, that may be caused, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, from entrant's participation in the Contest or receipt or use or misuse of any prize (including any travel/activity related thereto). Released Parties are not responsible for any technical problems, malfunctions of computer systems, servers, providers, hardware/software, lost or unavailable network connections or failed, incomplete, intercepted, garbled or delayed computer transmission or any combination thereof. Released Parties are not responsible for any third party conduct. The above limitations and exclusions may not apply to you based on your local and/or state law. If such is the case, then the Released Parties hereby make the foregoing limitations and exclusions only to the extent permitted by applicable law. Disputes: Except where prohibited, entrant agrees that: (1) any and all disputes, claims and causes of action arising out of or connected with this Contest or any prize awarded shall be resolved individually, without resort to any form of class action, and exclusively by the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan (Southern Division) or the appropriate Michigan State Court located in Oakland County, Michigan; (2) any and all claims, judgments and awards shall be limited to actual out-of-pocket costs incurred, including costs associated with entering this Contest, but in no event attorneys' fees; and (3) under no circumstances will entrant be permitted to obtain awards for, and entrant hereby waives all rights to claim, indirect, punitive, incidental and consequential damages and any other damages, other than for actual out-of-pocket expenses, and any and all rights to have damages multiplied or otherwise increased. All issues and questions concerning the construction, validity, interpretation and enforceability of these Official Rules, or the rights and obligations of the entrant and Sponsor in connection with the Contest, shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of the State of Michigan without giving effect to any choice of law or conflict of law rules (whether of the State of Michigan or any other jurisdiction), which would cause the application of the laws of any jurisdiction other than the State of Michigan. Entrant's Personal Information: Information collected from all entrants for this Contest is subject to the Privacy Policies of, respectively: Winner List: Winner List requests will be accepted only after the promotion end date (listed above) and no later than March 18, 2010. For the Winner List, send an email with subject line: "Levi's® "Go Forth Fortune" Scavenger Hunt Contest, Winner List Request," to ePrize; and Sponsor

© 2009 ePrize, LLC. All rights reserved.

Levi's® "Go Forth Fortune" Scavenger Hunt abbreviated rules

1. ABBREVIATED RULES for TV and Radio LEGAL RESIDENTS OF THE 50 UNITED STATES (D.C.), 18 AND OLDER. NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED. Register to enter Contest by: 11/16/09. For Official Rules and complete details, visit Sponsor: Levi Strauss & Co. 2. ABBREVIATED RULES for Print NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. A PURCHASE WILL NOT PROVIDE ANY ADVANTAGE IN THE CONTEST. LEGAL RESIDENTS OF THE 50 UNITED STATES (D.C.), 18 YEARS AND OLDER whether or not product purchased for purposes of entering the Contest. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED. Register to enter Contest by: 11/16/09. For Official Rules and prize descriptions, visit Sponsor: Levi Strauss & Co. 3. Abbreviated rules for online Ads - Banner NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. Register to enter Contest by: 11/16/09. To enter and for Official Rules, visit 4. Abbreviated Rules for online Ads - Not a Banner NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. Legal residents of the 50 United States (D.C.), 18 years or older Register to enter Contest by: 11/16/09. To enter and for Official Rules, including prize descriptions, visit Void where prohibited.
